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Signs of a Shopaholic

Typical Signs Of A Shopaholic

1. An evil grin forms on your face at the mere mention of a sale. 2. You have your own victory dance when you finally get your hands on that one thing you’ve been thinking about forever. 3. You always say you’re broke, but end up at the mall always buying new things. 4. There are things in your closet you don’t even remember buying. 5. You saved enough money to buy what you really need, but then you see a sale. 6. When your parents tell you that you’re not allowed to do any more shopping and now you're not talking to them.

7. Homework turns into online shopping.

8. Nothing haunts you like the items you didn’t buy.

9. You obsessively track the progress of your packages being delivered.

10. You consider shopping a sport (like Black Friday running or doing squats in some jeans to see if they are comfortable enough is the most exercise you get).

Overflowing closets (in my case two), shoe boxes stacked on top of each other, jewelry hanging from every place possible- that would be my bedroom. Just as surfers can't stay out of the ocean, and gamblers can't resist a trip to the casino, I can't keep myself from shopping. If I don't have time to run to the mall you can bet I go online and check out all the sales.

This past summer I hit an immense shopping craze. It was my first summer completely spent in America and I had no idea how much time I had on my hands. Usually, during the summer, I go to my dad’s house, in England. I only see my dad once a year and he always takes me on shopping sprees, which are my favorite days of the year! Since I didn’t get those days this time around my closet, aka me, was slowly dying of misery.

I sent my dad a nice, little message asking him for some shopping money, from my English bank account, to make it through the summer. A couple weeks later I was looking at the big bucks and all was well again. I think I went to every mall in Arizona and San Diego, which is quite an accomplishment. My mom kept asking me how I was able to fund all of these shopping trips. I told her I got a lot of commission from selling so much to my customers at work. Looks like the jokes on her.

This could have been a blog about how I should learn some self-control, or find ways to help this obsession, but it’s not. Some words I like to live by are “Shop ‘til you drop” or “when the going gets tough the tough go shopping!” Do what you love in life and don’t let any obstacles get in your way, like running out of money at the mall/casino, or taking a day off when the waves get rough and it’s shark season.

(P.S. don't tell my mom about taking money from my other bank account... She still doesn't know!)

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