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Homecoming Firsts and Lasts

Homecoming isn’t all about finding that perfect dress and booking hair/makeup appointments. It’s the student body coming together and dressing up for spirit days, selecting homecoming royalty, gathering together for a pep assembly early Friday morning, and cheering on our Desert Ridge Jaguars later that night at the game. Then comes the actual dance.

It’s a night where you get to dress up with your best friends and make memories that will stay with you forever. Going to a school dance means two things; Being so incredibly hot with bodies crammed up against you all night while dancing, but totally forgetting about it because you’re having the time of your life with the people you will always remember. Who doesn’t love homecoming?!

This past Saturday was my senior homecoming, but it didn’t quite hit me until after the dance was over. I didn’t realize that this was the “last” for everything. The last time getting to find that “perfect” dress; the last time getting to take pictures with all my friends; the last time going a high school homecoming football game; and the last time I’ll see my mom cry at homecoming pictures (thank goodness... Kidding mom). This homecoming also had its “firsts” for me, too. It was my baby, but not so baby sister’s first homecoming; it was the first time I saw my friends that I’ve grown up with since freshman year play in their senior homecoming game; and it was the first year I had ever had a date to a dance. All the firsts and lasts made for a bittersweet senior homecoming.

Senior year has opened my eyes to realize that this really is it. That in less than eight months I won’t be getting ready for a high school dance, but instead getting ready to walk across the the Wells Fargo Arena stage to receive my high school diploma (I already know my mom will cry then, too). It’s amazing how four years can just fly by within the blink of an eye. People weren’t kidding when they said to enjoy high school because it doesn’t last for long.

I’m forever grateful for the people that have made my four years of high school so extraordinary. If there’s one person that has made my high school experience the most memorable it would be Tavian Patrick, but that’s another story...

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