The Places We Will Go

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s the question every parent and family member expressed to us from the moment that we could talk. Whether it was a princess (which in my case, it was), superhero, astronaut, teacher, scientist, police officer, veterinarian, etc., we all at least had one job that we dreamed of having while growing up.
Many high school students are expected to know their career path by the time they graduate. I believe that this is an impossible expectation for most students, however. Being unsure as to what career to choose should be okay; it is not easy for most to make a solid decision when they haven’t even discovered all that there is to see and choose from in the world. The classic Dr. Seuss quote “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” taught us from childhood that we “steer our life in the direction we choose.” Just like driving, if you don’t know what way to steer, it will lead you in the wrong direction and push you down deeper into the wrong path. Personally, I believe that taking time to explore and experiment with different majors and careers will benefit us more than rushing into something that we are unsure about.
It’s not easy knowing what you want to do with your future, especially when everyone around you does; but, taking advantage of all the opportunities that are given to you will ultimately lead to a career that you are destined to love. It isn’t bad to have ideas on a potential career path, but the final decision shouldn't be rushed just because all of your friends have figured out what they want to do and you haven’t. Parents can also complicate the issue as well by hounding us day in and day out on whether or not we have made a decision. As a result, we tend to fall under the stress and pressure from our parents and friends and make a snap decision, just so they will no longer have to wait for a choice. This, however, would just be one big leap backwards. Getting stuck in a career you dislike will set you even further back from finding one that you actually will enjoy every second of everyday.
When deciding what you want to be when you grow up, you should take it upon yourself to not only explore the different careers that are available, but also dig deeper into the different sides of your personality- not your parents’ personality, not your friends’ personality, but YOUR personality. William MacAskill claims that “The best career advice isn't to follow your passion: it’s to do something valuable.” It tends to be when someone chooses a career that is of value to them, they enjoy it more than those who choose a job based off of the salary. Choose a career that will not only benefit you, but that will impact others around you and make a difference in today's world. Narrow down your options and turn one path into something not only lucrative, but cherishable as well. Give it time for the decision to happen naturally- you never know when inspiration will strike.