Future Heart's Concert: More Than Music
There is always a special feeling you get when you see one of your favorite bands or artists with your own eyes. It’s indescribable but somehow the feeling never leaves you. For me, I felt this feeling during All Time Low’s Future Hearts Tour with State Champs, Issues, and Tonight Alive.
The day began on May 1st at 5:30 am, and I got, at most, 3 hours of sleep. Who can sleep when you’re pumped up for a concert? Not me, clearly. My mom was awake as I was getting ready and I serenaded her with a few of my favorite songs that were in the set list. She always complains to me that I am the most annoying person the morning of any concert, but that doesn’t stop me from using her hairbrush as a microphone. I’m pretty sure that she explained to me my responsibilities I had the day after but all I heard was "Future Heart’s in fourteen hours. Future Heart’s in fourteen hours."
Once I picked up my friends Taylor and Kyleigh, we arrived at the Marquee Theatre at 7:47 am (yes, I remember the exact time because I was that excited). When we got there, there were only five small groups of people in front of us. We weren’t phased by them- most of them weren’t even prepared for 12 hour wait; however, we were. We had four umbrellas to cover us from the harsh Arizona sun, small coolers for each of us (which were convenient for foot rests), small lawn chairs, and our Gameboys to pass time. The time wasn't even 10 in the morning yet and there was already security worried about the heat. They shifted the entire line in the shade and handed us waters and small Gatorades every once in awhile; that is what I call five star service at the Marquee.
Once 12 o’clock passed, that’s when it was game on. The sun was right on top of us and the shade was no longer over us. Taylor, Kyleigh, and I reached a new level of heat exhaustion since we were all tired and we had barely taken 20 steps the entire day. We ate all of our sandwiches my mom and stepdad had packed the night before, but we were still hungry. Since I somehow managed to get front row parking, I took a quick trip to Chipotle that was just down the street. Apparently, my heat exhaustion was stonger than I anticipated; I got our order but I left the forks behind. I gave my friends their food and went walking around asking anyone that looked like they worked at the venue for some forks. I asked about 10 people randomly but they either laughed or kept on walking by. Finally, I saw a guy walking out of the venue and called him out as soon as I could. “Hey! Do you have some forks by chance?” I yelled, but he just shook his head and yelled back, “Sorry, I left them in my other pants!” I thanked him and thought I should just go back and get more forks. Then it hit me: That wasn’t just a regular person working at the venue- it was the drummer from All Time Low, Rian Dawson. I turned around quickly and saw Rian walking back in the venue, which made it clear that I missed my opportunity for a picture and I just asked him for forks.
Finally, after waiting 11 hours in the sun, the venue started letting people inside and wait for State Champs to perform. Somehow we managed to get second row for State Champs; we were so close that if I was able to do a cartwheel, I would’ve hit the stage. When State Champs came out, the heat exhaustion vanished and I had a burst of energy. There wasn’t a time where I wasn’t jumping around or singing along to the lyrics. This didn’t end at all throughout the opening sets, it was super hot inside the packed venue but that didn’t stop anyone from having a great time. Since Taylor experienced an All Time Low concert, she told us about how crazy it got in the front; how people would crowd surf and you were destined to get hit by someone next to you or above you. We moved to the side but still managed to have a great view. All Time Low finally came out on stage and it made the 12 hour wait completely worth looking ridiculous in front of Rian and suffering through the heat.
This is when I felt the most amazing feeling anyone could feel. In a room full of strangers, I could never feel more at home than I do during a concert. You could be the complete opposite from the person next to you but for an hour, the two of you are sharing a moment that is almost impossible to feel with someone else. I usually don’t cry over small things, but it was almost overwhelming. I was seeing my favorite band for the first time that wasn’t through a computer screen. I was hearing my favorite band for the first time with my own ear that didn’t blare through small speakers under a laptop. It was all surreal and I was shared that moment with the best friends I could ever ask for. Lyrics aren’t just words with a beat, they’re an escape. Lyrics are words that you can’t say but you can relate to them in many different ways. I came face to face with the people that helped me get past the worst times in my life.
Once the last song was just about to end, we heard that Derek DiScanio was going to be at his merchandise booth, meeting some fans. I don’t think I’ve ever ran so fast to meet someone in my entire life. I guess we all ran too fast because Kyleigh ran into him, but it gave us extra time with him. He asked if we were okay and if we enjoyed the show (a little small talk never hurt anyone, right?). After he gave me the biggest hug I’ve ever received and signed my phone; I have officially declared Derek as the sweetest guy I’ve met. Once the night officially ended and the parking lot was filled with taxi cabs and people losing their minds, it didn’t even hit me that it was over. The three month wait for this night ended in a blink of an eye. Taylor, Kyleigh, and I didn’t even speak to each other after that, we sat on a curb for an hour and completely processed the night. Right before we got up and left the venue, I looked at my best friends and simply said “I love you guys.”
To me, concerts are more than just a musical gathering. It’s a time to separate you from the world and give an escape from reality. It’s a second home to me, but this concert stood out the most because I have been waiting for that moment for so long. I wouldn’t trade the feeling I get from concerts for anything, that momentary feeling means the world to me.